What We Do

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attention to the details equals consistent quality hay

Since 2014, Jason and his wife Becky have owned and operated the farm where Jason grew up. The Rovey Family has been farming in the Phoenix area since 1912.

Attention to detail is apparent in his effort to produce quality hay.

a stack or a semi load delivered to you

Whether you want your own stack of 64 bales or want to share with your neighbor, we will deliver your order and that will save you drive-time and re-stacking time. If you need more hay, semi loads are also available and you can customize your semi order with whatever baled hay we have in our inventory.

Buying direct from the grower saves you time and money!

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what we grow

Rovey Farming grows teff grass, alfalfa, alfalfa/rye mix, oat/wheat hay mix, barley, durum wheat, sorghum and cotton.